As a result of her experience as an arbitrator and lawyer, Jessica recognizes the financial and inherent value of a fair hearing before a neutral and independent adjudicator.
An experienced arbitrator, Jessica conducts hearings in a fair and just manner that creates clarity and brings finality to existing disputes. Jessica’s abilities as an Arbitrator have been recognized by both private sector and public sector employers and trade unions. She has been jointly appointed as sole arbitrator in numerous disputes around British Columbia and has issued legally-binding arbitration awards or, with mutual consent, assisted parties to successfully conclude mediated conclusions.
Jessica’s has a proven track record as an arbitrator and mediator having demonstrated her skills as a neutral across numerous sectors including the manufacturing, aeronautics, oil & gas, forestry, hospitality, social services and health sectors.
Jessica is a named as a mutually agreeable arbitrator in collective agreements negotiated
by both public sector and private sector trade unions and employers. In her arbitration practice, Jessica brings more than 20 years of experience as a lawyer who advocated on behalf of her clients in court and before arbitrators, boards and tribunals.